People, be cool (a rant)

<rant incoming>

- I hate people.

- Just a word of advice: Blowing up over how much of your time is being wasted in front of someone who's been waiting twice as long as you have makes you look totally fucking clown shoes.

- I get that waiting is frustrating and tries your patience. That's not lost on me. But berating someone who is completely overwhelmed and doing their damnedest to help you (instead of telling you to go fuck yourself, which would've been completely justified in this case) makes you look totally fucking clown shoes.

- I've come to the conclusion that most people massively overestimate their own importance. You have other places to be? You'd rather be doing other things? You feel your time is being wasted? Well, join the muthafucking club, bub. I'm not at a fucking doctor's office because I want to be here. That's not my idea of a chill place to hang out. My time is being wasted just as much as yours is. And somehow, in spite of the fact that I have a pretty short fuse, I'm keeping my cool. Whatever you have going on is completely meaningless to every other person sitting in that lobby. You. Don't. Matter. From the cosmic perspective, we're all less than specks of dust. You could disappear in a puff of smoke and the world will spin on. We're all inconvenienced here, so calm your fucking tits.

- I used to believe the customer is always right. Nowadays, I've come to believe that the customer is sometimes right, sometimes wrong but always overly entitled. 

- I don't care how frustrated you are, you have a responsibility to get outside of your own fog long enough to assess the realities of a situation. Most of the time, the people serving you are doing the best they can and you owe them a few shreds of consideration when they're stuck in shitty situations that aren't their fault. Take a breath and think before deciding to act like horse's ass.

- Again, I hate people.

- With all that's going on in the world, with the political strife, economic hardship, war and suffering that people are enduring, WHY THE FUCK CAN'T WE JUST BE A LITTLE NICER TO ONE ANOTHER?! Why can't we cut people, most of whom are just trying to live the best, most decent life they're capable of living, a little bit more slack right now? Why the fuck can we not just be cool to one another?

</end rant>


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