Thrashbrowns v. Mouse House, Round 17

 A Goofy Movie (1995)

The Story:

After finally scoring a date with his dream girl, Max's dad, Goofy, drags him on a cross-country fishing trip, replete with all kinds of destructive, slap-sticky misadventures. Will the trip bring Max and Goofy closer together or drive them apart? 

Has Thrashbrowns seen this? Why or why not?

I thought I had and considering how much time I spent hanging out with Clifton at the comic book store (And I'm pretty sure Clifton's a big fan.) Alas, I had not seen it.

The Good:

This movie is just flat-out fun. Some good laughs. But what was really impressive was how emotionally resonant this flick is, especially for a silly kid's movie. A Goofy Movie is a shining example of how to tackle a complex real-life issue without being too serious or pretentious. I hope the filmmaker behind got a pat on the back cuz this movie works really well on the give-you-the-feels level.

The Bad:

Well, apart from the nightmare scene that opens the movie, the animation isn't especially impressive. I didn't care too much for the songs and Disney's idea of what makes for a "rock star" is LAME. Seriously, even if I'd had seen this when I was a kid, I'd have thought that Powerline tool was lame. 

Most Annoying Disney-ism:

The songs? Maybe? And I wouldn't even go so far as to call them "annoying." Just not especially enjoyable.

Does Thrashbrowns get why people love this?

Yup. It's fun, funny and touching. It's got some great cast appearances, including Pauly Shore and Wallace Shawn. And if you're looking for some message in a kid's movie, it's got a little of that, too.

Did Thrashbrowns like it?

Hell yes! Not only did I laugh, but I got a little weepy, too. If you take away all the silly hijinks, A Goofy Movie is a sweet little tale about a father trying to connect with his son. It gets all the anger, hurt, pain and embarrassment present in every father/son relationship exactly right. The highest compliment I can give this flick is that it made me want to go hug my dad.

Up Next:

I think I'll finally sit down and watch Lilo & Stitch. I'll also take requests if you got 'em.


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